Glacier Lagoon, Iceland | Barr Beacon School
Clark, G.L., Strauss, K. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2012. Saving for Retirement. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Knox-Hayes, J. (In Press). The Culture of Markets: The Political Economy of Climate Governance. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Tokyo, Japan | Photo by Romain Guy
Knox-Hayes, J. 2017. “Solutions to Climate Change Embodied in the Cultures of Markets.” The European Financial Review, (January 2017).
Knox-Hayes, J. 2015. “Towards a moral socio-environmental economy: A reconsideration of values.” Geoforum, 65 (October 2015): 297-300.
Knight, E. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2015. “Examining the Nature of Authority in Climate Governance: A Case Study of New Market Creation in Australia.” Competition and Change.
Knox-Hayes J. and J. Hayes. 2014. “Technocratic Norms, Political Culture and Climate Change Governance.” Geografiska Annaler B, 96 (3): 261-276.
Hayes, J. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2014. “The Role of Security in the Construction of Climate Change Policy in Europe and the United States. Global Environmental Politics, 14 (2): 82-101.
Knox-Hayes, J. 2013. “The spatial and temporal dynamics of value in financialization: analysis of the infrastructure of carbon markets.” Geoforum, 50 (December 2013): 117–128.
Knox-Hayes, J., M. Brown, B. Sovacool, and Y. Wang. 2013. “Understanding Attitudes toward Energy Security: Results of a Cross-National Survey.” Global Environmental Change, 23 (2013): 609–622.
Bansal, P. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2013. “The Time and Space of Materiality in Organizations and the Environment.” Organization and Environment, 26(1): 61-82.
Knox-Hayes, J. 2012. “Negotiating Climate Legislation: Policy Path Dependence and Coalition Stabilization.” Regulation and Governance, 6(4): 545–567.
Knox-Hayes J. and D. Levy. 2011. “The Politics of Carbon Disclosure as Climate Governance.” Strategic Organization, 9(1): 91-99.
Knox-Hayes, J. 2010. “Creating the Carbon Market Institution: Analysis of the Organizations and Relationships that Build the Market.” Competition and Change, 14(3-4): 176-202.
Knox-Hayes, J. 2010. “Constructing Carbon Market Spacetime: Climate Change and the Onset of Neo-modernity.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4): 953-962.
Knox-Hayes, J. 2009. “The Developing Carbon Financial Service Industry: Expertise, Adaptation and Complementarity in London and New York.” Journal of Economic Geography, 9(6): 749-778.
Clark, G.L. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2009. “The ‘New’ Paternalism, Consultation and Consent: expectations of UK participants in defined contribution and self-directed retirement savings schemes.” Pensions, 14(1): 58-74.
Clark, G. L., Knox-Hayes, J. and K. Strauss. 2009. “The Significance of Socio-Economic Status, Financial Sophistication, Salience and the Scale of Deliberation in UK Retirement Planning.” Environment and Planning A, 41(10): 2496 –2515.
Clark, G.L and J. Knox-Hayes. 2007. “Mapping UK pension benefits and the intended purchase of annuities in the aftermath of the 1990s stock market bubble.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 32(4), 539-555.
Sunrise in the Mountains | Photo by Romain Guy
Knox-Hayes J. (Forthcoming 2016). “Alternative circuits of money: parallel economies of environmental finance” in Handbook of the Geographies of Money and Finance Eds, Martin, R. and J. Pollard, Edward Elgar.
Knox-Hayes J. (Forthcoming 2016). “Carbon Markets: Resource Governance and Sustainable Valuation” in The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography Eds, Clark, GL., Feldman, M., Gertler, M. and D. Wojcik. Oxford.
Knox-Hayes J. (Forthcoming 2015). “Finance Capital, and the Environment” in The International Encyclopedia of Geography Ed. Richardson, D., Castree, N. and D. Demeritt. Wiley.
Knox-Hayes, J. and Levy, D. 2014. “The Political Economy of Governance by Disclosure: Carbon Disclosure and Non-financial Reporting as Contested Fields of Governance” in Transparency in Global Environmental Governance Eds. Gupta, A and M. Mason. MIT Press.
Kingsley, G., Knox-Hayes, J, Rogers, J. and E. Boyer. 2014. “Knowledge Management through Informal Knowledge Exchanges and Communities of Practice in Public Organizations” in Public Administration Reformation: Market Demand from Public Organizations Ed. S. Pandey. Routledge.
Cruz, A., J. Knox, S. Pawlowski. 2004. “Obligate Brood Parasitism in a freshwater fish, Synodontis multipunctatus, the Cuckoo Catfish.” Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Greenwood Press.
Tokyo, Japan | Photo by Romain Guy
Knox-Hayes, J., K. Bandopadhyay, G. Kingsley, and J. Rogers. “State Agencies Embracing the Creative Economy: Communities of Practice in the Georgia Department of Transportation.”
Kingsley, G., K. Bandyopadhyay, J. Knox-Hayes, and J. Rogers. “Growing Hot House Orchids in Clay Pots: Fostering Communities of Practice in a Traditional Functional Hierarchy.”
Riverside House, Iceland | Desktop and Wallpapers
U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2007, January). “Energy Efficiency: Long- Standing Problems with DOE’s Program for Energy Efficiency Standards Continue to Result in Forgone Energy Savings.” (Publication No. GAO-07-42)
New Energy Finance (2007). “Chapter 4: Policy Trends for Energy Efficient Buildings.” Building with Energy: Investment Opportunities in Energy-Smart Buildings.